Inside Symbiote

Continuous learning and knowledge sharing are key aspects of day to day life at Symbiote and Insights are an opportunity for us to share that knowledge with the community.

Tag: Open-source


Personal personalisation

By Marcus Nyeholt

We’re advocates for creating smart, ethical websites that inform and assist, rather than persuading or even tricking people, and that don’t store or sell visitor data. We even wrote an open source module in Silverstripe that lets you personalise your site for visitors, so they can remain anonymous and store some personalisation data on their own device, to make your site more useful during their future visits.

3 min read

Hacking at ... CMSes

By Marcus Nyeholt

What’s a fun and effective way to evaluate a whole raft of CMS options to see what’s changed or what’s new? Have a hackday! We had a particular project brief in mind for our CMS hack day, so that sharpened our focus.

2 min read

The open-source community is there to help – even in the most obscure places

Developing in new CMS and framework is fun! But there are things that will block you from achieving something. So what do you do if you found yourself stuck in the mud?